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Unique BC Rakeback


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We definitely need the fucking rakeback

The question is how to make it Unique with injecting BCGame's DNA


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well i have to say maybe a coco coin that can convert or also act as a wheel spin chance or trade in value of some sort


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Accumulated rakeback paid out in TRX

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You can make it unique by giving a rakeback for the past 2 months to start us off and to show your appreciation for all the money we've lost here..


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you should 7%wagered bonues betting see my other site roowards i am pro player there


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ild slurp me down whole a wet bowl of coco's  shit for a rakeback systemMee krab thai recipe


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And must be level 4 at level 6 increase level 8 increase

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with love and condoms 


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Deposit bonus on weekends 5-20%, required play-thru. 4% total daily wager rakeback faucet in bc chosen coin available to collect once every 6 hours...   

While we are at it there is no welcome first deposit bonus%...


Where is my pet leopard...

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Ok upon further review of the play and an interesting discussion on chat i realized after how confusing your faucet was it dawned on me. Your faucet is your rake bake system the way it works(needs imorovement and not the one to go into that) normally a faucet is where the dehydrated masses gather to suckle on the tit of a slow and low coin leakeage at little cost. But really maybe instill a regular faucet rewards like a slow trickle of coin for being active or something. And rework current faucet as rakeback with more perks


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  On 6/5/2020 at 6:25 AM, 🐊C0C0🐊 said:



isnt this photo decribe everything? i like this photo

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 u know where can u get the best rackback? STAKE, instant, easy, clearly, no hidden shit. and basically u claim a small amount of your feeding back with comfortable feeling and ease . Make you feel the casino is fair. That s what make STAKE into LEGENDARY BITCOIN CASINO 


Now your turn BCGAME 


Note that this should exclude VIP transfered haha

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Be your own affiliate....

15% - 25% rake back  ( of the 1% house edge ) of my wagering. 

% depends on your ViP level


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sounds good...



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R rakeback should be the current faucet but with more guarantee of getting the % that's rewarded everyday. And drop the whole faucet gig but make it an added daily bonus for guests.Like maybe make more  task bonuses. 

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its about too be a coco gang RAPEback if we dont get some rakeback ....we are gonna show you who the lady is 


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based on vip level with a clear explanation of what you can rakeback as well as the option to chose which crypto to get it in , ive seen it in a points system and i like it . maybe if you reach certain amounts can add on that bonus percentage playthru idea. definetly accumulative with expiration would be nice . doing the cumulative up to this point would be awesome but i have doubts .

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i wonder how this going to turn out

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wagered * vip level% * 25% 

3 months backpay 

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Add a 50/50 chance to double it. Like a coinflip option while collecting it.



A rakebackwheel that automatically spins when collecting the rakeback. The wheel could have various multipliers but nothing below 1X.



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Rakeback should definitely be instilled i've been donating money to bc.game for over a year and also agree the faucet system is a joke you get penalized for hitting crash below 1.50x, not only that but the withdrawls are stupidly high for people with low pockets that fyi most of them are because theyre in myanmar or some other ethopian country(no offense). The most love ive seen for being a dedicated player was some rain or other bullcrap from one of the campaigns which imo are mostly rigged but wont go into that. All in all yes you need a rakeback system if you want to attract players that wager 100 btc a day or whatever good luck theres my input

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Unique BC Rakeback

 my own idea of making the rakeback unique:ok lets try this.

[(wager) (0.1%)]+5% monthly bonus
example: you wager 1 BTC you will get 0.001 BTC rakeback. This applies to any amount you'll wager. 

:rakeback can be claim anytime : no bonus if did not reach 1month

: if the player decides to collect it monthly he will get 5% more bonus


example base on last top 10 player: wagered 1btc

if player wagered 1btc/day

1btc x 0.1% =0.001

0.001 x  30days=0.03btc/month

and because coco loves his players🙂 he will add 5 %  if u collect it monthly so its: 0.0315 btc🤩 lovely numbers.


the question is;can we all bet that high?

are we all competitive enough to reach the 1 btc wager per day?😉

will coco approve this?


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