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Greetings all. I would like to discuss the following question. Have you ever had to deal with the development of SaaS applications? Where would you recommend to learn detailed information on this topic? Or maybe there is a good developer company.

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SaaS applications work via the cloud: that is, all the program files are stored on a remote server, and users access the application via the Internet. You can open SaaS applications in any browser and on any device - computer, smartphone, tablet. The main thing is to have an Internet connection. If necessary, the service is integrated with other programs and applications. To do this, APIs are used, which programmers use to connect SaaS and another program. Learn in detail how to build a saas application , the information is simple and presented in an accessible language.

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The SaaS market is expanding and attracting more players every year. And, just as importantly, the market attracts customers by providing them with simple, convenient and constantly available applications and services that are accessible from anywhere in the world with a login and password. Experts suggest that SaaS will reach a new level of popularity in 2020, squeezing out the classic type of applications even more.

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