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Restore rejoin last chat room functionality broken by bug


Last chat room rejoin  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should BC fix the rejoin last room bug so multiple times per session you do not have to select your preferred chat room?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Of course why has it been months

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Yes, or no (wait, it was not always this way?!??) should you have to select the chat you want every single time you must refresh the page for a new version?.


Broken since the launch of the sports betting due to moving to the use of dom script modules this feature put you back into the last room you were in vs the default of global. Fixed via userscript BC has now broken that as well in removing the instance of Chat from the global javascript scope (pcs.*). While we can get around this too I think its rather silly. I say just fix the #$%@^# bug introduced in the first place, please. 🙂

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I AGREE!! I want to be felt at home with english chat when i login, not thrown into a moshpit of global spam! 🫵 fix this, coco. or fix that. Your choice ty 


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I agree also! Come on BC Web Devs, you can add dumb balloons that block chat but not make it functional?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bug has been squashed! 🙂

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